
12404 Park Central Drive
Ste 350
Dallas, TX 75251

The Ziosk Media Network is a national digital video network reaching 55M uniques per month on 184,000 screens in 3100 restaurant and bar locations in 206 DMAs. The avg dwell time is 50 min with very high engagement. Over 80% of the audience pays their check on Ziosk and 90% engage. The audience is has 3 groups: 40%-50% 35-49 mom's with 1+ kids; 30%-35% millennials; 20%-30% sports fans. 
Ziosk enables brands to tap into the original social media network--the dinner table - and extend their reach less than 3 miles from retail.

Ziosk Digital Video Media is a full screen digital video ad (1920x1080) with 15-sec or 30-sec spots. 

80% of consumer pay on Ziosk creating opportunities to drive top of wallet for credit card or mobile pay programs.  

Most popular ad categories:
1. payment (credit cards and mobile payment),
2. entertainment (movie and tune-in),
3. beer/liquor/wine/soft drink,
4. Local/national: retail, telco and auto. 

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