
726 Central Ave
Johnstown, PA 15902

CamTran operates a fleet of 55 buses in both their urban and rural divisions, spanning all of Cambria County. CamTran+ refers to the transit service that operates in our rural division, mainly northern Cambria County. Like CamTran, CamTran+ runs on fixed routes; however, it also manages our specialized programs.

Currently, CamTran is experiencing an increase in its ridership. Annually, CamTran and CamTran+ provide 1.2 million and 100,000 rides respectively to our area. With some 12,000 new riders since this time last year, advertising on our buses is becoming a popular way to reach an ever growing, ever diverse audience.

CamTran also offers a Reserve-A-Ride program, which picks riders up at their doors and drops them off at their destinations. In addition, CamTran has recently added a discounted fair for qualifying persons with disabilities. Both of these programs extend off of our fixed routes, permeating communities unlike any other advertising medium. CamTran also features bike racks on all of their buses, allowing riders to combine biking with transit for their commutes.

With programs like these, your advertisements are sure to reach our 5,000 daily riders who are actively engaging in our local economy. In addition, your advertisements on the outside of our buses can serve as a moving billboard, exposing your message to thousands more a day.

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